Shipping cars to Europe? This is how you save money!
Are you planning to ship one or several cars to Europe? Import duties in Germany are more favorable compared to Holland:
Are you planning to ship one or several cars to Europe? Import duties in Germany are more favorable compared to Holland:
Scams are unfortunately something we frequently have to take into consideration before moving forward with certain services or product purchases. This is especially the case in niche service offerings, such as the shipping industry. Many of us deal with the shipment of small goods on a frequent basis, but how often are you shipping a…
If you follow us on our social media platforms, you see us feature a variety of cars including some of the rarest classics to the most sought-after new car releases. Have you ever wondered what the most popular cars among our shippers are? We’re giving YOU an inside look at CFR’s top shipped cars of…
While the restrictions and requirements may seem intimidating for first-time shippers...
The trucking industry is a major part of today’s supply chain, responsible for transporting about 70% of all goods. In a world where everything is becoming more streamlined, automated, and efficient by the day, autonomous semi-trucks are now on the horizon. From this development, many questions are being asked regarding what the outlook for autonomous…
Shipping a vehicle to the UK? Our Director of Sales and Marketing has taken a deep dive into what the importation process consists of. Check out this video to learn more about how a vehicle qualifies to be shipped, how vehicle location and shipping destination play a role, and more!
If you’ve shipped a car, you know that car sales fraud can be a serious problem. Not only can it prevent you from getting your dream car, but it can also cost you thousands of dollars. Some predatory sales people will sell cars they aren’t the rightful owners of or mix-and-match documents with vehicles they…